Crystallography & Computational Winter School
Berlin Winter School: Crystallography and Computational Winter School & PhD Progress Seminar III
The third BiocatCodeExpander school took place in Berlin, Germany, from December 2 to 6, 2024. The program featured lectures by dr. Bernhard Loll (protein crystallography), prof. Lynn Kamerlin (molecular dynamics), and dr. Tarek Hilal (single-particle cryo-EM of biological assemblies and beyond). Workshops included Molecular Dynamics Simulations by dr. Bruno di Geronimo; Coot Modeling by dr. Bernhard Loll and Pitch Workshop for short popular science talks by dr. André Lampe.
Additionally, the event held parallel activities, such as the PhD Progress Seminar III and a consortium supervisors’ meeting. Participants performed experimental work on protein crystallography and visited the synchrotron facility BESSY II.
Beyond scientific and academic activities, consortium members enjoyed visits to several Christmas markets, baked cookies and a cultural tour of Berliner Unterwelten.
PhD students participating in the workshop could earn 3 ECTS credits.